Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pushing Spring...

Lunch and Literature is still going strong. The theme this year was Across the Pond. Our readings take us to far off lands and meet multifaceted characters. To start our journey we tackle our Texting in Community- Dream From My Father: a Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama. President Obama takes us through his childhood in Hawaii, to his schooling in Jakarta Indonesia to his heritage in Kenya. Three students attended at the urging of their faculty. And a big thank you goes out to Gloria Pitts for leading that discussion.

In January we travel through Spain to the Pyramids of Egypt with Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. We have just finished A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. A tale of two women in rĂ©gime torn Afghanistan over 25 years. It is evenly skewed with despair and grave hope. You may recognize Hosseini name, he is also the author of the national bestseller The Kite Runner which was originally on our list for this year's theme however, I thought you would enjoy A Thousand Splendid Suns more.

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