Friday, May 15, 2009

Thought provoking questions for "The Shack"

What elements of The Shack did you like (accept)?
What elements of The Shack did you find objectionable or not well presented?
What three words would you use to describe as a reason to read The Shack?
Who is Mack (Pre-Shack)?
Who is Mack (Post-Shack)?

Notes for "The Shack"

Here is a list of the main talking points and page numbers for each chapter ...provided by John Teleha

1. Ice Storm 14-23
2. Camping Trip 24-32
3. Tipping Point 33-42
4. The Great Sadness 43-66
5. Mack accepts the Invitation / Mack Meets God 67-87 (80-87)
6. Mack Talks with Papa in the Kitchen 88-103
7. Supper / Mack & Jesus on the dock 104-114
8. Breakfast of Champions 117-127
9. Mack & Sarayu in the Garden 128-138
10. Jesus & Mack Cross the Lake 139-150
11. Da Judge –Mack & Sophia in the Cave 151-169
12. Mack & Jesus return across the Lake 170-182
13. Mack & Papa talking on the Porch 183-193
14. Mack & Sarayu on the Lake / Dinner with Papa, Sarayu & Jesus 194-208
15. Sarayu & Mack / Gift under the Stars 207-217
16. Papa & Mack take a Hike 220-230
17. Mack Makes a Choice 231-238
18. Outbound Ripples 239-248

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Shack Part II

If you missed the lively and insightful discussion of The Shack by William P. Young at our May 13 gathering, mark your calendar.
We have decide to meet again to continue our conversations and debates.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Bluford Library seminar room 256-258.

Many thanks to our two discussion leaders:

Martina Chavis, Senior Development Officer, Division of Development and University Relations
John Teleha, Head of Reference, F. D. Bluford Library
Who brought activites, thought provoking questions and insight to the table.
We discovered a bountiful number of discussion points and responses to
The Shack with their help and encouragement.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Title Suggestions

Sag Harbor by Colson Whitehead

Anytime I hear about a interesting book or someone suggest a good read... I will post it.